Full Moon Glory!

Full Moon Glory!
Luna Bright, Full Moon Light!

Lullaby by Nox Arcana - Absolutely Lovely

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Conjure - "Remove This Condition From Me!"

Yesterday wasn't good.  The day ended with me feeling emotional and defeated from a long standing work issue.

My Spirit was low and heavy when I awoke, as I was dreading returning to another round of drama.  It took me a while to gather my energy.  I then realized I needed to do some "remove this condition from me!" work.
Remember the old adage, "Physician Heal Thyself"?  It's always hardest to work for ourselves, yet this is exactly where most workers begin.  We begin by healing ourselves, our families and loved ones.

I performed my morning meditation and routine.  And then I set about to work.  I gathered 2 tealights, which I anointed with olive oil.  Next I gathered some "removing" bath crystals.  These are bath crystals made with herbs and oils, such a eucalyptus which is a very strong cleanser.  The crystals have also been blessed to do this work. I also gathered a bucket.

I lit the candles.  I stepped into the bath and poured the removal water over me, washing downwards, stating clearly and strongly, "Goddess hear my call to Thee, Remove This Condition From Me!!!".  I continued this process until I felt a change in my Spirit.

I gathered the bath water, stepped between the tealights and poured the water down the toilet.  It felt great to dispose of all that funk.

I finished getting ready for work.  When I got to work, to my great relief and surprise, the issue had been resolved and I had been vindicated!!  Blessed Be, The Goddess heard and answered my prayers and the work I had done was successful!  In addition this work was performed during a waning Moon, which is an excellent time to do banishing work.

As always I wish you Bright Blessings and may your works be successful ones,
Priestess Najah

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