Full Moon Glory!

Full Moon Glory!
Luna Bright, Full Moon Light!

Lullaby by Nox Arcana - Absolutely Lovely

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crafting and Conjuring

I was working last night.  I crafted and conjured some work for client who lives on the east coast.  I love working the Hoodoo.

I sip on some whiskey, listen to Billie Holiday and get to workin'.  When I am crafting and conjuring I am truly in my element.

I love being of service.  My dear sister Kate, and when I say "sister" I mean she is my Circle sister.  She gave me a lovely cabinet to hold my supplies and I blessed it and smudged it, and it looked so nice, filled with my oils, sachets, needles and threads, and pretty gift bags. 

You see I am a Hoodoo Practitioner, a Rootworker, and a practicing Witch.  I love the Moonlight, and the stars in the night sky.  I sit at my table and blend oils, mix salts, light candles, and pray the highest good be served for my clients.  I conjure spells of healing, prosperity, safe travel, and protection.  I work honey jars and match candles to astrological signs, and I love it.  It's here where I really touch my destiny, my life path, and what I came here to do. 

Now don't get me wrong, I still have my day job.  I'm blessed to be a successful person in the mundane world.  But when I'm conjurin' and craftin', the Universe opens up to me, and I  feel the touch of the Divine, and for that I am truly grateful. 

End Trans 3/10/10

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