Full Moon Glory!

Full Moon Glory!
Luna Bright, Full Moon Light!

Lullaby by Nox Arcana - Absolutely Lovely

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Magickal Land Called Beltania

We arrived at Beltania, which was located in Florence, CO on Thursday, May 10, 2012.  It was a beautiful sunny day.  We were greeted at the gate by joyful staff and graciously directed to our campsite.  As it was getting late in the afternoon, we needed to set up camp and I needed to get into sacred space, as I was delivering the Charge of The Goddess for the evening opening Ritual.

The ritual was beautiful.  I delivered the Charge, while another beautiful male soul invoked The God.  We all stood on a hillside, in the evening light, in Circle, and stepped between two bale fires.  The Circle was cast, the Fires lit and The Goddess and God invoked for the entire festival.  What a glorious time was had by all!
We had workshops, drum circles, concerts, Highland Games, and the largest Maypole raising to date.  You can view a video of the Maypole raising here:

We made so many new friends and had a great time reconnecting with others.  The Pagan community of Colorado is rich, vibrant and full of life.  We are deeply established and ingrained in the Colorado soil.   It refreshes my soul, heart and mind to gather with my community in Nature, to worship, dance, play and have fun!  We welcome all paths and faiths and this year there were many newcomers much to our delight.  We never proselytize nor seek to convert.  However when you find your way to us, we are here, we are here!

So now the Wheel has officially turned and we shall enjoy the beautiful Spring, as it makes it way to Summer.  Blessed Be!

As always, Bright Blessings to You!

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