Full Moon Glory!

Full Moon Glory!
Luna Bright, Full Moon Light!

Lullaby by Nox Arcana - Absolutely Lovely

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Magickal Politics

It's the end of an era. I cried, I wept. I applauded and for the first four years of his presidency I kept an altar for him, our now out-going President, Barack Obama.

I kept an altar for him during that first term because I didn't want to see any harm come to him. I didn't want his Presidency to be marked by scandal. And as he was the first ever African-American President, I knew he would be held to a higher standard than a white President, which those standards have now been evidenced by our President-elect, Donald Trump.

I let the altar go after his first term. I stored all the precious things away and trusted he'd be all right during his second term. And honestly speaking, tending an altar every day is hard work. My appreciation goes out to all the magickal workers past and present who tend and keep altars. It is a sacred committment. One that once is entered into, the promise must be fulfilled.

Today we have entered into a new beginning. The Moon is almost full and it's time to move forward. I didn't want to accept the goodbye of the Obamas from the Oval office, but go they must. Now we must embrace the change and hold fast to the magick, beauty, power and knowledge that makes us practitioners and believers in the power of Nature, our goddessess and gods.

The time of weeping is over. Let us harness our collective strengths and prepare to begin again.

Blessed Be.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment. And thank you for reading my blog. Many blessings to you!
