Yesterday I got my ear pierced. Mind you this is not the piercing at the Mall type, where you sit in a chair and they take the gun, and bam(!), your ear lobe is pierced.
No, this is a "piercing" right through the cartliage of my ear. I earned it. Just like the badge of courage one gets when you get a tattoo. And I got it on the Full Moon at Blue Door Tattoo, here in Denver. A Blue Moon Piercing at the Blue Door Tattoo shop. Its kind of poetic.
I was terrified. I was grateful my girlfriend went with me and held my hand. I had to had everything explained to me in great detail. I give the utmost credit, to Cami, my piercer, for her kindness, gentleness and professionalism.
And oh yeah, I felt it when she pushed the needle through the my ear. But it was quick and I was thrilled when it was done. I felt high. I'm sure anyone who has gotten a tattoo or piercing can relate to the feeling, you feel when your tat or piercing is done.
I love my piercing. It looks like it has always been there, which to me is a good sign that we put the hoop in the right place. Its still very tender and sore. It definitely lets me know its there, when I touch it, and it will take a significantly long time to heal. But thats ok, because I know that in the caring for it, I will learn much. I've already learned much about myself and my dedication, through the experience. I will always remember that I got my first piercing (and maybe my one and only) on the Blue Moon of August 2013.