My twenty-year old son went off to Bootcamp this week. He's in the Army National Guard stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia.
My heart is broken, my world turned upside down, my center off-balance. Even though we prepared for this day, since he was a toddler, nothing can quite prepare you to see your grown up child walking down the street with a Military duffle bag slung over his shoulder.
We're a proud family and we're very proud of our son. I know he's going to be a successful soldier. He's made for it and he choose this path all on his own. And yet, knowing that he could potentially be put into harm's way strikes terror in the deepest part of my soul. Yet we have our faith. The Goddess walks with us, shines Her light down upon us, and lights our days with Her golden Sun.
I took a walk today and saw yellow leaves in the trees, which means the Wheel is turning. Not only in Nature is the Wheel turning, but my life is turning too. Our son is in the National Guard and our daughter is in her junior year of college. Regardless of our faiths and belief systems, I feel lots of parents can empathize with my feelings and it's this camaraderie that sustains me.
I found on Facebook a page for Fort Benning and also a page for parents of New Recruits. I used to be a Facebook snob, not wanting to join or become a Social Networker. But I am so grateful for Facebook and for people who share and post about their lives, accomplishments and struggles. I've found Pagan support, friends, life support and community on Facebook.
I was extremely grateful to also find Circle Sanctuary's Military Pagan Prayer Cards online. The prayer spoke to my heart and soothed my soul. I have a candle lit for our son with the prayer underneath. As soon as we receive his mailing address, I'll send him the prayer card. My son was also happy to find Pagan support within the Military. It was awesome to see forums, chatrooms and support for Military Pagans. I am grateful to all the people who have worked so tirelessly to bring us into the light and have support for our faith, beliefs and way of life.
I also made my son a safe travel mojo to carry with him. It makes me feel good knowing he's got it with him.
Today I'm still raw and trying to keep it together. We missed his first phone call home so we're all a little bummed today. But I took a walk and talked to the trees, listened to some music and felt a little better. I'm also keeping up my martial arts practice and that's a big help too.
I send blessings to all with children and family in the Military. And thank you all for reading my blog.
Blessed Be,
Full Moon Glory!
Luna Bright, Full Moon Light!
Lullaby by Nox Arcana - Absolutely Lovely
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Altar for President Obama
Update! November 5, 2012:
Hail Moonday-Monday! As has been my charge for the last four years, the altar for President Obama is lit! May the blessings of re-election be ours and his! Blessed Be, So Mote It Be!
As Priestess Najah, I've been keeping an altar for President Barack Obama since November 2009. Recently over the past few Moon cycles, I've had trouble keeping the light going on the altar. I've cleaned the altar, added new herbs and powders, lit the candles on different days and still nothing worked. I attributed this to lots of negativity and bad juju being sent President Obama's way.
I may not always agree with our President or his policies or decisions, but it has become my Charge to keep this altar for his entire term, and thus I am doing so. So after trying all I knew to keep the light going, I contacted my good friend Dr. Christos Kioni and he helped me out! Dr. K suggested I move the altar. So after waiting for the appropriate time and using divination, I moved the altar to its new home.
I'm pleased to say the candle is now burning the strongest and brightest it has burned in a long time. Thanks so much Dr. Kioni for your help, you ROCK!
When I began this altar I offered to light a light from my altar, for anyone who would also like to the keep the light going. If you would like a candle lit from my altar, just send me an email. You will need to provide your own candle.
Peace and Blessings to us all.
Hail Moonday-Monday! As has been my charge for the last four years, the altar for President Obama is lit! May the blessings of re-election be ours and his! Blessed Be, So Mote It Be!
As Priestess Najah, I've been keeping an altar for President Barack Obama since November 2009. Recently over the past few Moon cycles, I've had trouble keeping the light going on the altar. I've cleaned the altar, added new herbs and powders, lit the candles on different days and still nothing worked. I attributed this to lots of negativity and bad juju being sent President Obama's way.
I may not always agree with our President or his policies or decisions, but it has become my Charge to keep this altar for his entire term, and thus I am doing so. So after trying all I knew to keep the light going, I contacted my good friend Dr. Christos Kioni and he helped me out! Dr. K suggested I move the altar. So after waiting for the appropriate time and using divination, I moved the altar to its new home.
I'm pleased to say the candle is now burning the strongest and brightest it has burned in a long time. Thanks so much Dr. Kioni for your help, you ROCK!
When I began this altar I offered to light a light from my altar, for anyone who would also like to the keep the light going. If you would like a candle lit from my altar, just send me an email. You will need to provide your own candle.
Peace and Blessings to us all.
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